Tenjo Mugen Junmai Daiginjo Shizuku Shizuku 720ml
The exquisite taste of the light and spicy medium flavor and the faint fragrance are well-balanced. Handcrafted products that are close to the ultimate works of art. Glossy ginjo incense, calm depth of flavor. The perfect combination of both flavors. “Shizuku Shibori” is a very labor-intensive method of squeezing the finished sake moromi into a cloth bag and collecting only the dripping drops by the gentle pressure of its own weight. As the pressure is less, it is finished with a clear taste without any unpleasant taste.
Raw material rice Yamada Nishiki 100%
Rice polishing ratio 40%
Acidity 1.2
Alcohol content 15 degrees or more and less than 16 degrees
Chuyu Sake Brewery

Chuyu Sake Brewery was founded in 1906 by Bunji Nakashima, the first head of the family.
Using underground water from Mt. Ou, we process all raw materials from normal sake to high-class sake with limited water absorption and direct fire Japanese kettle steaming, and we continue to preserve the tradition of "kanzukuri" brewed in winter.
Around 1975, painter and mountain climber Kazuhiko Okabe drank the best-selling sake Tenjo Mugen while looking forward to the sea of clouds, and was amazed at its taste and aroma. The name comes from the fact that it tastes as if you are seeing a dream or an illusion in the heavens.
In addition, the "Kurabiraki" event, which has been held since 2003, is an event that about 600 Japanese sake lovers visit every year.